Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency for Pacific families, launch nationwide roadshow

Photo: Pasifika Futures

The Whanau Ora commissioning agency for Pacific families launched its nationwide roadshow in Invercargill yesterday.

Pasifika Futures Limited primary goal is to hear families’ voices, what is important to them and supporting their journey to prosperity. 

The previous roadshow in July 2020 provided significant insights which led to the establishment of five key domains:

  • Succeeding in Education: Lifelong Learning
  • Healthy Lives: Living Longer, Living Better
  • Economic Independence and Resilience
  • Leading and Caring for Families, Communities and Country
  • Resilient and Responsive Communities

Chair of PFL,Dr Kiki Maoate says, “It’s been two years since our last PFL roadshow, so we are eager to reconnect with families and communities across Aotearoa.

“It is a privilege to engage with families, individuals, and partner organisations, placing families at the heart of our efforts and care.”

PFL CEO, Debbie Sorensen, sees the roadshow as an opportunity to empower Pacific communities and families.

“As the sole Pacific Commissioning Agency, we will continue empowering Pacific families to help improve their future outcomes.



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