Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Foreign Affairs Minister travels to Cook Islands to continue reconnecting with the Pacific region

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta. Photo: Mark Mitchell

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta departs for a four day trip to the Cook Islands tomorrow as she continues to reconnect with partners across the Pacific.

Minister Mahuta says, “Aotearoa New Zealand is a country in and of the Pacific. Our ties to the Cook Islands and its people run deep; through whakapapa, language, culture and shared interests.

The Minister will be welcomed by Te Ui Ariki – the traditional leaders. She will visit development projects and Rarotonga Hospital, highlighting New Zealand’s commitment to supporting COVID response throughout the region and meeting front line workers.

The trip will include a visit to Manihiki Island in the Pa Enua, the outer islands of the Cook Islands. The Minister will also visit areas impacted by climate change and discuss how New Zealand can continue to support the Cook Islands’ climate priorities, including through renewable energy.



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