Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Government urged to come to table on RSE Residency

RSE Scheme. Photo: Horticulture NZ

The Green Party has praised National’s support for residency pathways for RSE workers and called for Labour to join the emerging cross-party consensus.

The party is urging the government to act quickly and provide a pathway to residency for these workers.

While welcoming National’s support, the Greens are pushing for an overhaul of the scheme that would put workers’ rights first and decouple work visas from single employers.

Green Party immigration spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March noted that research and media reports have highlighted the ongoing exploitation and unsafe accommodation that migrant workers have had to endure.

“Workers from the Pacific need to be treated with dignity and respect,” he says.

The Greens have long advocated for pathways to residency for RSE workers and are pleased to see other parties finally joining the call. However, they’re critical of National’s proposal to double the RSE scheme without committing to improve conditions for workers.

Additionally, National’s pledge to eliminate median wage requirements for other temporary migrant workers is seen as an attempt to prop up the agriculture industry through exploitation.

Overall, the Green Party remains the only party committed to fighting for fair pathways to residency for all migrant workers who help build Aotearoa, according to Menéndez March.

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