For this year’s Fijian language week celebration, the theme is ‘Me vakabulabulataki, vakamareqeti, ka vakaqaqacotaki na vosa Vakaviti’ – ‘Nurture, Preserve and Sustain the Fijian language’.
Minister for Pacific Peoples Barbara Edmonds says, “Fijian communities from around the country have collaborated to plan activities which will involve learning through music, health, and wellbeing. It will also see resources created to support long term language planning.”
Statistics New Zealand data indicates that over 19,700 people in New Zealand identify as Fijian, with 24 percent speakers of their language.
While 87 percent of Fijians born overseas can speak Vosa Vokaviti, only 11 percent of those born in New Zealand can.
“Each year we’re seeing more regionally based Fijian groups get involved which is hugely empowering to the RSE workers and Fijian families settled in regional communities,” Barbara Edmonds said.
“We know this is particularly important after the impact extreme weather events has had on the wellbeing of our Pacific people in affected areas.
“Our role as a community is to be united in nurturing our language through creating environments where Vosa Vakaviti is used by more people and in more spaces.
“This year’s Fijian Language Week takes place during the school term, so I hope we’ll see lots of students and schools involved, as the future of this language lies with the next generation,” Barbara Edmonds said.