Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

SNARE releases final music video for his debut EP SĒKI – Oasis (Se’i Loa)

Last February Aotearoa-born Sāmoan rapper, musician and songwriter SNARE released his debut EP SĒKI, in collaboration with music and video producer Anonymouz.

A year later the final music video for the SĒKI EP has been released. The song, Oasis (Se’i Loa), is the first track of the EP, and follows previous music videos that were released backwards for all tracks of the EP.

Oasis (Se’i Loa) represents SNARE’s growth as family man putting his aiga first. “Oasis is a glimmer of hope, and when you find it, that’s what really matters in life.”

‘Seki’ is an urban Sāmoan slang term that implies “cool”, “awesome” and other similar positive affirmations.  SNARE lyrically weaves together a bilingual fusion of ‘broken English’ and ‘broken Sāmoan’, embracing a loose diasporic urban language style that has emerged over time from Sāmoans raised outside of Sāmoa in western societies.


SNARE aka Jerry Seve is an emerging New Zealand born Sāmoan rapper, musician and songwriter in his own right.  His current life as a labourer and young father is creatively documented through his music along with the ups and downs of a journey that has taken him from writing in his Manurewa, South Auckland garage to recording and collaborating with Music, Sound and Video Producer Anonymouz aka Faiumu Matthew Salapu.

SNARE and Anonymouz met through Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra’s international award winning programme “APO Remix” in 2015, where SNARE was a participant and Anonymouz was the programme’s Music Director. Both born and raised in South Auckland, both Sāmoan and both with a passion for Hip Hop and Sāmoan/ Pacific Island music, their first collaborative studio session resulted in SNARE’s well received debut single “Vodka & Vaniah” released in 2017, a positive outcome which inspired them to continue working together.

Also featured with him on this 6 track debut EP are guest appearances and collaborations with fellow Pacific hip hop artists HamokaneTha Feelstyle and G-Fes.

Underscoring the EP’s release was the simultaneous release of the music video for the EP’s final track, “Brian Lima” featuring Hamokane, a philosophical exchange between the traditional and the contemporary, highlighting the importance of staying true to collective foundations and honouring the hustle and sacrifices of those who came before us.

Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland), Aotearoa has the highest population of Pacific people in the world, with Sāmoan being it’s second most spoken language.  SĒKI proudly joins worldwide efforts by indigenous cultures to celebrate, reclaim and normalise our indigenous languages of Moana Nui A Kiwa.

SĒKI EP available on all major platforms:
• iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/snare/1452026366
• Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/album/6teVIQs6aNyEKH6I4iLYKm
• Apple Music -https: https://itunes.apple.com/nz/artist/snare/1452026366
• Tidal: tidal.com/browse/album/103839638?play=true

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