Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Actor KJ Apa becomes New Zealand’s second most influential star

Photo: Cosmopolitan

In today’s world of influencer culture, social media is where celebrities showcase themselves as brands. New Zealand Samoan actor KJ Apa has solidified his place as New Zealand’s second most influential celebrity. 

KJ  has also turned his Instagram presence into a lucrative business, earning a substantial income from sponsored posts

Known for his role  as Archie from the Netflix show “Riverdale,” he has gained 18 million followers on Instagram with an engagement rate of 1.6%, and can make up to $93,771 for each sponsored post.

This information comes from a study conducted by New Zealand’s online casino experts, NZCasinoClub, which analysed Instagram data to find out which New Zealand celebrity has the most significant social media presence. They looked at Instagram followers, engagement rates, and the price they can charge for sponsored posts.

With a massive following of over 21 million fans on the platform, Apa has become the centre of attention for high-end brands and advertisers.

This substantial income from sponsored posts proves that KJ Apa is one of the most influential figures in New Zealand’s entertainment industry, second only to another global sensation, Lorde. 

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