Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Talanoa: Young boy needs bone marrow donors

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Marama T-Pole | Presenter

The family of a 9 year old Rotorua boy are making a desperate plea for Māori and Pasifika bone marrow donors.

Te Waarakihi Hooper Felise who is of Māori and Tokelau descent, has Aplastic Anaemia and his only hope is to get a bone marrow transplant. However there are no fully matched donors on the global bone marrow donor registry and now the family and community is urging more donors to come forward.

Joining Marama T-Pole to tell us more is the President of the Auckland Tokelau Society and the Tali-Kilagi Nukunonu Society, Matt Ineleo.

To join the New Zealand Bone Marrow Registry, visit here.

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