Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tonga Police Board fires 21 police officers over “unlawful and ill-disciplined behaviour”

Photo: RNZ Pacific / Koro Vaka’uta

The Tonga Police Board has terminated the employment of 21 police officers on loss of confidence over criminal convictions and serious disciplinary breaches following a Board Hearing last month.

The Chairman of the Police Board, Hon. Justice Cato, in his Judgment reiterated the failure by these police officers to live up to the ethical and professional standards required of a Tongan Police Officer.

Of the 21 terminations, 14 were based on serious disciplinary breaches that include absents from duty without authorisation, failure to complete the recruitment requirements and sexual harassment and 7 terminations were based on criminal cases that include extortion, obtain money by false pretences, theft, assaults, reckless driving causing death and forgery.

With regards to the two sexual harassment cases, Hon. Justice Cato said, “The sexual harassment is totally unacceptable behavior and must not be tolerated in the Tonga Police. Females or for that matter any police officer is entitled to serve free from harassment of any kind be it sexual, bullying, or other humiliating conduct.”

“There must be adequate avenues provided and education to allow officers who fall victim to these practices to make a timely complaint and seek professional advice within the force and if need be in confidence. If there is an adverse culture in the Tonga Police or parts of it, that culture must be arrested forthwith.”

“The public rightly expect the highest levels of professionalism and ethical behaviour from their Police. There is absolutely zero tolerance for unlawful and ill-disciplined behavior. Every police officer is accountable to the law, not above it,” says Commissioner Caldwell.

Commissioner Caldwell commended the courage of the policewomen that came forward to make their complaints.

In a statement to media, Commissioner Caldwell said the immediate suspensions of the two police officers concerned and the very clear and strong message by the Hon. Justice Cato and the Police Board has put a stake in the ground that the workplace will be a safe environment.

“There is an expectation for good behaviour and to treat all colleagues with respect and dignity.”

Since 2015 Commissioner of Police Steve Caldwell has suspended 64 police officers from police duty, 44 were under criminal investigations and 20 for disciplinary issues. Three are currently serving terms of imprisonment.

The Tonga Police Board Members are the Hon. Justice Cato (Chairman), Lord Tevita Tupou and Mrs. Álisi Taumoepeau.



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