Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Toko’s Taco’s bringing a taste of Mexico, to West Auckland

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Hanalei Foliaki | Reporter/Director

Toko’s Tacos is a Tongan owned eatery making waves in Avondale, West Auckland. 

The Mexican-infused shop is owned by the Fonua family who lived in Arizona for over 15 years before returning to Aotearoa. 

“Mexicans were everywhere because we were a border state to Mexico, so 90% of the people we associated with were Mexican. We understood the culture, the people, the flavours,” says owner Ben Fonua. 

Bringing the flavours of Mexico to Aotearoa was always part of the plan, especially to establish a store with a recognisable name. 

“When I was in America, my friends, who were all Mexican, asked me how to say ‘bro’ in Tongan. I said, ‘Toko,’ and they suggested I name my business Toko’s Tacos. I loved the name!” he says. 

Toko’s Taco’s first began at the Auckland family night markets where they slowly began to make a name for themselves. The star of the menu is their Birria Taco, a Mexican specialty of slow-cooked meat using a blend of beef and pork. 

Co-owner and son Lelea talks about their famous fish tacos, which are “arguably the best-ranked fish tacos in all of Auckland”.

Using fresh Tarakihi, combined with chilies imported from Mexico and a unique crema sauce designed by Ben’s wife Mele, it’s a combination that can only be found at their shop.

However, the mouth watering flavours come at a cost. Lelea, who has been a Type 1 diabetic since he was 7, emphasises the importance of providing low-carb options.

“We’ve always found it difficult to find foods that didn’t affect my blood sugar as much. So, my dad and I created a low-carb option, not only for me but for everyone else, especially in the Island community where diabetes is a growing issue,” he says. 

As well as Tacos, the shop also provides Elote (traditional Mexican corn), non-alcoholic margaritas and special desserts.

The father-son duo is dedicated to making Toko’s Tacos a fan favourite and have ambitions to expand into a franchise. 

“It’ll take a little while, but we’re getting all the logistics and analytics behind how the business is run to make it smoother. Once that’s established, we could be looking at South Auckland, where our biggest fan base is,” says Ben.

Lelea says the workload has been worth it, thanks to their dedicated customers. 

“Good food brings people back, and we love seeing the smiles on people’s faces when they walk through the door.”

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