After its introduction to the community last year, the Lalaga card game has now achieved yet another milestone in its journey making its way onto the shelves of mainstream book retailer Whitcoulls.
The card game has already received a lot of positive feedback for its unique game style, especially in highlighting the importance of talanoa and vulnerability within our communities and families.
Lalaga creator and founder Torisse Laulu says this development is a huge milestone.
“All glory to God. He’s really held me on this tough journey. It’s taken so much effort and time to get to this point and it feels so surreal that it’s finally happened,” Torisse says.
After seeing the fruits of her hard work Torisse admits that, although it is a special moment for her, it has also been quite the journey to get to where it is right now.

“I think right now, it still hasn’t hit me. Like I’m still in a state of shock but am super grateful.
It was so scary. It’s my first ever business so everything I’ve had to do has been super new to me,” she says.
“I cold emailed whitcoulls last year in October and it’s taken almost a year to finally get it to shelves. Being in new spaces comes with a lot of uncertainty and uncomfortableness. But I have learned to love it because (it’s) in the uncomfortable spaces is where I’ve grown the most.”
Since the launch of Lalaga last year, one thing hasn’t changed and that is the unwavering support of the community behind Torisse.
It’s the same village-community that has played an important role in helping shape Lalaga to where it is today.
“My business mentors from Oysters Workshop – Kim Tuaine and Sarah Rennie – have played an instrumental role in getting it on shelves. They taught me the steps to getting the product ready for mainstream retailers.
“I spent the past year working through those steps of building the brand, working through proper price points, establishing relationships. Every step-move was geared towards the goal of entering a mainstream retailer like Whitcoulls.”

Being able to hit a deal with a mainstream supplier is a ‘ticked box’ for Torisse and the work she puts in for Lalaga. It’s an idea that was far from reality just three years ago. Fast forward to now, it is a surreal feeling knowing that people can access the game in more stores and more sellers.
But the journey doesn’t stop here for the young entrepreneur. The fire has been fuelled to achieve more goals and bigger milestones than ever. It is that motivation that has her set on expanding Lalaga to an international audience.
“I really want to expand internationally. I’m looking at Australia next and am wanting to get into a mainstream retailer over there.
“Aside from Australia, I’m hoping to expand to the US too. I fly to LA in August to present Lalaga at a few events over there; test the market. And I am hoping I can find ways to distribute across the US.”
The launch with Whitcoulls was possible with the help of a village whom Torisse wanted to acknowledge.
Business mentors from Oysters Workshop – Kim Tuaine and Sarah Rennie
Like I’ve said above, they’ve played an instrumental role in Lalaga’s journey. They’ve been the best mentors checking in with me oftenly and connecting me with people/opportunities that have pushed Lalaga to places I never thought possible.
The King’s Trust
They’ve connected me with so many opportunities and connections nationally and internationally. Really grateful for their wrap-around support.
Atelaite Mapa
The lead for Lalaga workshops and proposals. So she plays a major part in pushing it into schools/govt spaces. She is also the genius who wrote the health and safety plan.
Lauren Wepa
The talented incredible human behind the visual design of the card game. Prior to Lalaga launching, she was in contact with me about it for two years and it is reflected in the beautiful designs
Gabby Manu
When I first had the idea – I was flatting with Gabby and she worked in marketing/branding. So she helped me with all the groundwork of Lalaga. Teaching me the basics of business and what I had to do to get it off the ground.
Sylvia Moe
J R Mckenzie – was the first person to fund Lalaga. For almost two years Lalaga was ready to be printed but I didn’t have the capital to pay for it. Sylvia was the first person to believe in the product and gave us the funding to get it off of a word doc and into a tangible product. Once we received funding – we launched the product a few months later.
Southsides (Geoffery Matautia)
He designed the box for Lalaga and also is the genius behind a lot of the social media marketing for Lalaga.
TheWesternGuide ( Aaron Pulemagafa)
Mastermind behind a lot of the social media marketing and graphic design for Lalaga.
Frazer Strickland
Website designer and behind the social media marketing for Lalaga.