Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Otago Polytechnic to hold Pasifika Careers Expo

Photo: Otago Polytechinc

Otago Polytechnic is set to hold a Pasifika Careers expo next week on campus. 

The free event will feature Pasifika guest speakers, Pasifika performances, kai, a kids’ area, and spot prizes. The space is created specifically for Pasifika to learn about the wide range of programmes and support services they offer.

Event organisers and Otago Polytechnic Pasifika and Careers Team members, Matilda Garnett and Khyla Johnston, say “Vaka Moana is all about navigating the Vaka and connecting the Pasifika community with study and job opportunities across different industries, while also linking up with local community organisations. Vaka Moana is a unique expo created to bring together Pasifika people of all ages and Pacific cultures.

“Whether you’re just starting out or looking to navigate the next step in your career, this is an amazing opportunity to meet with Otago Polytechnic staff, discover new career possibilities, and gain the knowledge and connections you need to advance in your chosen field.

“Our aim is to inspire and empower Pasifika Peoples to realise their full potential, supporting them as they confidently navigate the ever-changing job market.”

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