Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Pacific tertiary students included in mental health support

Pacific-Island-students_group. Photo: Waikato.ac.nz
Minister of Health Andrew Little. Photo: Facebook
Minister of Health Andrew Little. Photo: Facebook

Pacific tertiary students will be among those to benefit from extra funding for mental health and addiction support to coincide with the start of the study year.

The funding is available to Auckland tertiary education institutions where many students have had to cope with the added pressures brought on by the response to the global pandemic.

“Covid-19 has put immense strain on the Auckland student population and this boost to services ensures additional support is there for students who need it,” Minister of Health Andrew Little says.

“The $3.8 million of funding increases wellbeing supports for about 80,000 students and includes mental health promotion activities, wider access to talking therapies, drug and alcohol help, student-led initiatives, as well as targeted supports for Māori, Pacific and Rainbow students.

“Prioritising the expansion of services to the three Auckland universities means a wider range of mental health services across campuses so students experiencing mental health concerns can better manage their mental wellbeing,” Little says.

Youth mental health is part of the Cooperation Agreement between Labour and the Green Party, building on the work of last term in the Confidence and Supply Agreement.

The funding comes from the $25 million Budget 2020 Tertiary Student Mental Wellbeing package and is in addition to funding made available to Te Pukenga, which provided more wellbeing supports at the two Auckland Polytechnics.

The wellbeing package is a joint initiative delivered by the Ministries of Education and Health. The next phase, which will roll out further services in Universities across the country is also under way.



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