Around three thousand people, from as far away as Auckland and Rotorua, will attend celebrations in Porirua, Wellington this weekend to celebrate Tokelau culture.
The theme is Ko te Tupulaga a Tokelau, ko te lumanaki o Tokelau – Our Tokelau young people are the future leaders of Tokelau.
The four-day Tokelau Easter Festival which celebrates Tokelauan culture and sport starts on Good Friday and runs through to Easter Monday.
The Tokelau Festival was hatched in the 1970s. Over the past 50 years it has grown in size, status and importance to become the behemoth it is today.
The festival’s uniqueness is guaranteed with it being the only Tokelau festival which brings together people from all four Tokelau atolls: Olohega; Fakaofo, Nukunonu; and Atafu.
Festival participants will immerse themselves in Tokelau traditions, dance and music, as well as embracing the cultural jewel that is the Tokelau language.
The festival is hosted by malo ni Tokelau Hutt Valley Marlins. President Ake Pereira says our theme, ‘Ko te Tupulaga a Tokelau, ko te lumanaki o Tokelau,’ encapsulates our festival’s focus on empowering Tokelauan youth as leaders.
The Ulu o Tokelau, Afioga Aliki Faipule, Alapati Tavite, and Tokelauan Gold Medalist Ilai Elekana Manu will be keynote speakers. The event will honour their elders, parents, and youth.
Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry says the welcome mat has been laid out for the Tokelauan community.
“The Tokelau Easter Festival was severely disrupted during the pandemic so we are delighted that we can welcome it back for the first time since 2017.
“Lower Hutt will come alive with the colour and sound of Tokelau over Easter, adding vibrancy, fun and a huge shot of culture to the city. Malo te aofia mai – welcome to you all.”
About 8600 Tokelauans live in Aotearoa New Zealand, with the majority living in the Wellington region. There are around 1500 living in Tokelau.