Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tongan PM and cabinet ministers test positive for Covid

Tonga's Prime Minister and a number of cabinet ministers have tested positive for Covid-19. Photo: The Straits Times
Tonga's Prime Minister and a number of cabinet ministers have tested positive for Covid-19. Photo: The Straits Times
Tonga’s Prime Minister and a number of cabinet ministers have tested positive for Covid-19. Photo: The Straits Times

Three more ministers from Tonga’s Government have tested positive for Covid-19, according to a recent report from Matangi Tonga Online.

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Hon Fekitamoelao ‘Utoikamanu), Minister for Internal Affairs (Hon Sangstar Saulala) and the Minister for Justice and Prisons (Hon Samiu Vaipulu) all tested positive and are currently in isolation. 

Minister for Health Hon Dr Saia Piukala is also in self-isolation, but has tested negative for the virus so far. 

“If I do test positive to Covid-19,” Piukala announced, “I will have to restart 10 days of self-isolation starting from the day I test positive.”

Over the weekend, Tonga’s Prime Minister Hu’akavameiliku Siaosi Sovaleni announced he had tested positive for Covid-19.

A spokesperson confirmed the Prime Minister is currently isolating at home with immediate family members, but has only exhibited mild symptoms so far, “he accredits this to his vaccination, having been fully vaccinated and boosted.”

Hu’akavameiliku is continuing to work from home, conducting his duties and responsibilities from home, something he has been preparing for since the onset of Covid-19 in the kingdom’s community.

The Prime Minister adds, “we are now adjusting our lives and affairs as we learn to live with Covid-19 and I will continue to serve His Majesty, Government and our People during my time in isolation.”

The Kingdom has recently received a shipment of over 20,000 Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) from Australia, and will also receive a further 20,000 from New Zealand this week.

Dr Piukala says he is expecting a spike in case numbers now that they are using the RATs, alongside PCR tests.

To date, there are currently 1632 active cases in Tonga.

This article has been edited to add Tonga’s updated Covid case figures



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