“His name was called out on the night and assured him that there was absolutely no malice or intention to single him out at all.” Faleomavaega Vincent Fepuleai, Lakapi Samoa CEO
Samoa rugby’s governing body, Lakapi Samoa has come under fire yet again only this time in relation to the celebrations last week of their 100 years anniversary.
The celebrations took place last week over a four-day schedule of events which also included a capping ceremony, an initiative to honour every player past and present who has donned the Manu Samoa jersey.
Each player was named and given their cap on the night of the ceremony, while also being mentioned in a commemorative list published in the Samoa Observer newspaper.

A few players however have come out on social media claiming that they were not invited to the ceremony and their names were also missing from the published list.
One of those players is Eliota Fuimaono Sapolu who played for Manu Samoa from 2005 to 2011 and is no stranger to speaking out on issues regarding Samoa rugby.
“No surprises there,” Eliota says in an uploaded video to social media referring to his name not being published.
In the two-minute video, Eliota highlights that, from his further research, he was not the only player left out from the list, but also included half back Garrick Cowley and prop Donald Kerslake.
He also adds that Kerlsake, Cowley and himself were part of the team of ‘lawyers’ in the Manu Samoa squad who represented players who were cited by the judiciary during tournaments and games. This was due to the fact that Manu Samoa at the time could not afford a lawyer to represent their players.
Lakapi Samoa CEO Faleomavaega Vincent Fepuleai has since spoken out regarding the non published names adding that, although the names did not make the list, they were all read out and mentioned at the capping ceremony.

“We regret that we had quite a list of missing names due to lack of and limited records on-site at the union. However, that’s why we went through to publish the list three times in the Samoa Observer so that former players or their families can reach out to Lakapi Samoa,” he said in an email to the Samoa Observer.
“Most of the information was sourced from former players’ families who were kind enough to share photos and memorabilia, a story that resonates in NZ sports news despite Eliota’s name missing from the advertisement.
“His name was called out on the night and assured him that there was absolutely no malice or intention to single him out at all. I tried to reach out to him without success.”