Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987


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Dan Ahwa: A creative force shaping fashion and storytelling

Hanalei FoliakiAug 12, 2023
Dan Ahwa has masterfully blended his talents as a journalist and stylist to create a unique and influential mark on the industry.

Afa Ah Loo talks fashion, family, and upcoming Utah Pacific…

Ann-Tauilo MotugaFeb 12, 2023
Award-winning Samoan Fashion Designer, Afa Ah Loo has proven time and again the endless possibilities of his talents. 

TP+ Highlights from the House of VA fashion and dance…

Hanalei FoliakiNov 30, 2022
Check out some of the highlights from the House of VA fashion and dance show NGAMETUA.

Papua New Guinea heritage inspires fashion designer Dru Douglas

New Zealand-based fashion designer Dru Douglas has always gravitated towards the women of his family growing up in Papua New Guinea.

Fashion boutique MENA celebrates 20 years of Pasifika Fashion

Soana AholeleiNov 19, 2022
A family affair mixed with high fashion was ablaze with colour for Samoan boutique clothing brand MENA celebrating 20 years of Pasifika fashion and style with a runway show in Auckland last month.


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