Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987

Tagata Pasifika

The Pacific voice on
New Zealand television
since 1987


Get the latest from the go-to source for breaking news and current events in New Zealand. The TP+ website covers everything from politics and economics to sports, entertainment, and culture. Join our community of readers today for up-to-the-minute news, analysis, and insights from across the country.

Pacific Scientists recognised at the New Zealand Association of Scientists…

Gladys HartsonNov 15, 2023
The 2023 Cranwell Medal has been jointly awarded to Chris Puli’uvea and Dr. Natalie Netzler both from the University of Auckland.

Pasifika Medical Association (PMA) Chief Executive opens up about breast…

Gladys HartsonNov 3, 2023
CEO for the Pasifika Medical Association Debbie Sorensen has for the first time opened up about her journey of breast cancer.

It takes a village: Raising awareness of Young onset Dementia

Gladys HartsonOct 24, 2023
According to Auckland Dementia, 12 percent of people diagnosed with YOD are under the age of 65. Dementia can start as young as 40.

Free National Bowel Screening programme available for Pacific and Māori…

Gladys HartsonOct 11, 2023
Pacific and Māori people in Tairāwhiti aged between 50 and 59 are now able to take part in the free National Bowel Screening Programme.

Pacific Cervical screening campaign kicks off in the capital

Gladys HartsonSep 30, 2023
Wellington was the scene of the Pacific Cervical screening campaign launch last weekend.


Yes! New Zealand’s healthcare system is amongst the top 20 best healthcare systems in the world today.

New Zealand, like many other countries, faces various health challenges, including high rates of obesity, mental health issues, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and smoking. 

While efforts are being made to address these issues, they remain significant concerns in the country. Several initiatives have been launched to promote healthy habits, such as regular exercise and good nutrition, and overall wellness. Nonetheless, there is still work to be done to overcome these challenges. Read on with TP+ to get the latest news on this health front.

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